


Pathogenic variants in the CFTR gene cause cystic fibrosis and cystic fibrosis related (CFTR-related) disorders. Over 2000 variants in the CFTR gene have now been reported and many of these have only been described in one patient/family.  In many laboratories, testing is therefore restricted to the most common mutations.  The incidence, and therefore carrier frequency, of cystic fibrosis varies among different populations.  Assuming a Caucasian background, the prevalence is 1 in 2500 and carrier frequency 1 in 25.   

Testing at WRGL

Mutation analysis is performed using a commercially available kit, Yourgene® Cystic Fibrosis Base, from Yourgene Health, UK. The kit uses the ARMS technique followed by capillary electrophoresis to test for 50 pathogenic CFTR variants commonly seen in European populations. The kit can also be used for analysis of the polyGT/polyT tract in intron 9 of the gene. Data is analysed using GeneMarker software. Results are compared with positive and negative controls.
More comprehensive mutation testing is not offered at WRGL and samples will be forwarded to another laboratory if additional testing is required/necessary.

Cost, Sample Requirements & Turnaround Times


Cost NZD*

Sample Requirements

Current TAT

Yourgene Cystic Fibrosis Base $267 Adults: 4 ml in EDTA (purple top)
Children: 1-2 ml in EDTA (purple top)
For newborns and very young babies supply 1 ml EDTA (purple top)
2 weeks
For urgent and prenatal cases please contact the laboratory

*No direct charge for the central region DHBs covered by the Crown Funding Agreement

Cystic Fibrosis testing


Wellington Regional Genetics Laboratory (WRGL) provides a comprehensive, integrated diagnostic cytogenetic and molecular genetic testing service

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IANZ Test Number 704


(04) 918-5352

Please note that genetic test results are only released directly to the referring clinician and not to patients