


Microarray analysis represents the cutting edge of genetic analysis. This is a molecular test requiring patient DNA, capable of detecting very small imbalances (gains and losses), in the kilobase range compared to 5-10 megabases in conventional karyotyping.

 Testing at WRGL

WRGL has extensive experience in microarray technology and currently screens approximately 100 samples per month. Microarray analysis is recommended as first tier testing in individuals with congenital, intellectual or developmental problems (Miller et al. The American Journal of Human Genetics 2010, 86:749-764). This approach has since been endorsed by the American College of Medical Genetics (September 2010). Microarray used in a diagnostic service in place of G-banded chromosome analysis, provides a more comprehensive and objective test for patients with suspected genome imbalance (Ahn et al. Molecular Cytogenetics 2010, 3:9).

Parental studies may be required to assist with interpretation of results from the proband.

Cost, Sample Requirements & Turnaround Times



Cost NZD*

Sample Requirements

Current TAT

Microarray $693
(parental studies)

Paediatric: 0-6 mths 1-2 ml whole blood in both lithium heparin (green top) & EDTA (purple top) tubes
> 6mths 2-4 ml in LH & EDTA tubes
4 days for urgent samples
9 days for routine samples


*No direct charge for the central region DHBs covered by the Crown Funding Agreement

Download Microarray Referral and Consent Formpdficon small




Wellington Regional Genetics Laboratory (WRGL) provides a comprehensive, integrated diagnostic cytogenetic and molecular genetic testing service

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IANZ Test Number 704


(04) 918-5352

Please note that genetic test results are only released directly to the referring clinician and not to patients