Sample Requirements

Sample requirements are detailed in the test-specific information; however, the following general guidelines apply.


Specimen Requirements

Molecular (DNA) tests Adults:   4 ml in EDTA (purple top)
Children: 1-2 ml in EDTA (purple top)
For newborns and very young babies supply 1 ml EDTA (purple top)
Cytogenetics routine blood Paediatric (0-6mths): 1-2 ml whole blood in a lithium heparin (LH) tube (green top)
>6mths: 2-5 ml whole blood in a LH tube
Microarray Children: 2-5 ml in both lithium heparin (green top) & EDTA (purple top)
For newborns and very young babies supply 1-2 ml in both lithium heparin (green top) & EDTA (purple top)

NGS Cancer Hotspot Panel

NGS testing can be performed on bone marrow, leukaemic blood and FFPE samples

Bone Marrow: 1-10ml in EDTA

Leukaemic Blood: 4-10ml in EDTA

FFPE sample:  Please provide 2-3 slides (minimum) cut at 4 microns along with an H&E slide with the area of interest circled

Chromosome breakage disorder At least 6 ml in lithium heparin (green top)
Bone marrow / Leukaemic blood
Tumour / Lymph node biopsy

2-10 ml in lithium heparin (green top)
Sample transported in sterile tissue culture media
Amniotic fluid
Fetal blood

10-20 ml
10-30 mg clean villi
1-2 ml in lithium heparin
Tissue Unfixed sample transported in sterile saline solution
Non-invasive Prenatal Test 8ml blood in streck tube (khaki)
FISH Routine blood:
Paediatric (0-6mths): 1-2 ml whole blood in a lithium heparin (LH) tube (green top)
>6mths: 2-5 ml whole blood in a LH tube

Bone Marrow / Leukaemic blood:  2-10 ml in lithium heparin (green top)

Amniotic Fluid: 10-20 ml
CVS: 10-30 mg clean villi
Fetal blood: 1-2 ml in lithium heparin

Paraffin Embedded Tissues (PETs):
6 x 2-4 µm sections are required for FISH analysis. A H&E slide should accompany the sections with the region of interest indicated.
To order a molecular genetic test, click here


Wellington Regional Genetics Laboratory (WRGL) provides a comprehensive, integrated diagnostic cytogenetic and molecular genetic testing service

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IANZ Test Number 704


(04) 918-5352

Please note that genetic test results are only released directly to the referring clinician and not to patients